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What is a Jetcar? Everything You Need To Know About Jetcars in 2023!

You may have seen videos recently of what looks like a supercar on water. If you’re in the right part of the world, you may have even seen one in person. These floating supercars are called Jetcars.

Jetcars aren’t very common in the United States, yet… But they are quickly gaining the attention of Water Sports and Water Tourism enthusiasts everywhere. It won’t be long until you see Jetcar Rentals or Tours at your nearest vacation destination in deep blue waters!

Everything You Need To Know About Jetcars in 2023

Everything You Need To Know About Jetcars in 2023!

In this article, we answer the most frequently asked questions about these new water vehicles called Jetcars!

What is a Jetcar?

A Jetcar is a water vehicle designed to perform like a jet ski and look like a supercar.

Jetcars have a hull fashioned in the form of high-end exotic cars, such as a Ferrari, Lamborghini, or Corvette, and the mechanical insides of a jet ski. When the driver sits in a Jetcar, they have the thrill of being in both a car and having a jet ski ride at the same time. A Jetcar is usually a two-seater vehicle.

Check out this Video Review of a Jetcar by Jiggin’ With Jordan on YouTube!

How are Jetcars powered?

Jet ski engines power Jetcars. Which make and model jet ski engine the Jetcar has depends on the builder’s or buyer’s decision.

Because a Jetcar hull is much heavier than the hull of a jet ski, only larger jet ski engines are recommended in order to adequately power the weight of the Jetcar. The Jetcar sits in the water like a boat but is powered like a jet ski.

How are Jetcars Controlled?

The throttle and reverse are controlled via foot pedals, and the Jetcar is steered via a steering wheel. The display features the main information such as fuel level, speed, and RPMs, plus whichever information is specific to the engine manufacturer.

How Fast can Jetcars Go?

Jetcars typically go as fast as the fastest jet skis. Due to a general agreement between jet ski manufacturers and the U.S. Coast Guard, the fastest jet ski speeds are limited by the manufacturer to around 67 miles per hour. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t go faster!

Because the Jetcar is not considered a Personal Water Craft (PWC), Jetcar manufacturers may, if desired, remove the governer that comes with the jet ski engine they plan on installing. If this sounds confusing, you should understand the building process of a Jetcar…

How Are Jetcars Built?

Jetcars are built by removing the mechanical elements of a jet ski, such as the engine and controls, and installing them inside the hull of the Jetcar. There are various reasons why Jetcars aren’t built fully assembled by the manufacturers, but the main reason is that the companies that build the Jetcars aren’t allowed to ship them overseas with the engines installed. This has to do with U.S. Customs rules and regulations. /i

To get around this issue, the builders simply design and construct the hulls, ship them overseas, and the buyers must then figure out how to install the engines and route the controls. Of course, there are companies specializing in this process once you get the Jetcar shipped, but currently, they are few and far between.

Do Jetcars have a Bluetooth Radio System?

Jetcars are typically equipped with some neat features! Because they are somewhat sheltered from the water, unlike a jet ski, Jetcars are capable of having extra accessories such as a Bluetooth radio system connected that is able to amplify great sound, large navigational touchscreens, passenger seats, headlights, and extensive storage areas.

How Can I Buy a Jetcar?

This is currently the million-dollar question. Purchasing one of these machines is tricky, to say the least. The short answer is if you are in the United States it seems to be much more difficult, and if you are outside of the United States, it’s probably an easier process. This has to do with the shipping, as we already described.

But to complicate matters, there have been numerous cases of companies within the States scamming customers. These companies have allegedly been taking orders and payments without the ability or intent to fulfill them. Unfortunately, we’re hesitant to refer any companies until we have more information and know which companies are legitimate. With the product being so new to the market, we expect it to take at least a few more months before we would feel confident in making recommendations.

The good news is we are actively vetting companies and will continue to do so. Once we know for sure which companies are legit, we plan on publishing an article breaking down the purchasing options for these amazing machines. Stay tuned!

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